Lessons I Have Learned about Setting Goals…

So far….


As we close out February…March is roaring in on us already !!!!!  I have to say January and February have not worked out as I thought they might. But isn’t life like that?

I have great, ambitious plans and goals on PAPER!  But then quickly, reality sets in, and we realize we can’t do all the action items we have set our selves up for.  We learn sadly we just must let go of somethings on that list…for now.  We adjust items on our time line to another season.



The good news is some of our goals are MET to be!  They just may not be as we imagined…

Case and point

I know I must be on video more and share on different digital platforms.  I mean I work with my clients

To be on video, to use video in their business, I need to be using it more myself.


So one of my ambitious goals for this year was to vlog /blog every week and go LIVE on my Wednesday With Weezy group each week….well after week ONE, I already knew these two actions where going to have to be tailored….Also I had a show segment I wanted to introduce…So I had a team meeting . My team of ME, MYSELF and I…Ellie was present too, but as usual, she napped on the couch through the meeting…

Together we had to search our souls to devise a plan to integrate these goals to work together. And we have done it, moving forward we decided to continue to blog/newsletter each week.  Include video as much as possible and go LIVE 2 a month.  I will use my LIVES as part of my blog/vlog.

So now I will do Wednesday With Weezy the 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 4.  On the third Wednesday, I debuted my show “The Shit I Use to Do” {LINK HERE} In this video, I am my own guest, telling my story.

I interview people that for one reason or another by economic down turn (2007/2008); health, relationships. Whatever the situation they have re invented themselves. My guest shares their story of then and now and how their new life is working, lessons learned on the journey.

If you would like to know more about about using video, recording your own footage, LIVES or start your own show, let me know.  Or perhaps you would want to be a guest on my show. LINK TO GROUP. I would love to see you there…


The best thing I have found out during this process, is just start somewhere. Don’t worry about being perfect, just keep moving in imperfection…

Until next time…thanks for taking time to read my weekly email.

Louise (aka Weezy) and Ellie.