Testimonials : They are Love Notes from Your Clients

Are You Getting Love Letters?

or messages of appreciation from your clients? If not you may be missing out on free advertising.

Watch the video above to view an example one of my clients left for me.


Who doesn’t like to get notes of gratitude and appreciation?   I know I do.

It is also great when others know how you were able to help someone else without tooting your own horn.  

Testimonials from the people we serve makes for great content to post on our social media platforms and websites.

There are various ways this can be done, but the easiest is for them to record a quick video on their cellphone. I’ll share how you can get tips for this later in this letter.

This captures authentic emotions and expressions of appreciation from your clients. They are bragging about you. They are sharing how you came in and help them when they were in need.

Yes, of course, this can be posted via text but here are 3 reasons video is more effective. 

  1. 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. (Search Engine Land)

    2. 60% of consumers prefer to share their information about the products with others online. (Research Gate

   3.Website visitors are 64% more likely to buy a product on an online retail site after watching a video. (Responsive Inbound Marketing)

You may be asking a few questions now.

How does the client or customer capture that video and get it to you?  Easy, just reply to this email and ask for my free pdf.

In the pdf I share:

  • A list of suggested questions to ask to help format the video testimonial.

  • How to record the video on the phone

  • How to deliver the video file to you. 

I hope you find this information useful and give it a try.

Oh, yea!  Maybe you should start leaving testimonials for those businesses’ that you love and are thankful for service, products, and other helpful information they have provided for you.  Love is. by the way,  a two-way street.

Let me know if I can be of any help! Use my handy Chat to deliver your message.

Hope you have a great week


PS.  Remember what I said at the very beginning of this email, you may be losing out on new clients without those “Love Notes”