3 Top Reasons to Let Testimonial Video Tell Your Love Story


Yes, I have a love story, it began as a small child …

growing up in rural PA.  We lived on a farm, I am the youngest of 6 girls. So, farm life is busy, and people don’t have a lot of time to play with a child. They were busy with the farm, so my best friends were my dog and TV. 

I told my dog all my problems, dreams and aspirations.  My favorite characters were my imaginary friends.  I loved TV and thought it would be glamorous to do anything in the industry.  Well as you know a child dream fades…Well, fortunately, my has not and I now work in the video production industry selling videos to businesses that want to grow their presence online. And my business is named after my dog Ellie.

Did you know that you have a love story too?  Between you and your clients?Be the hero and let the customer narrate sharing about how they were able to find answers, problems solved by come to you.

  1. 88% of consumer trust online reviews as much are personal recommendation. (Search Engine Land)

  2. 60% of consumers prefer to share their information about the products with others online. (Research Gate)

Here are the 3 Top Reasons to Use Testimonials

Your clients can be your salesforce and promoters of your products and services using video. So you can work smarter not harder. Benefits of Using Client Testimonials in Video

1.  Customers will pay more attention to a video than copy.  The viewer finds the video more engaging.

2. Viewers like videos of customers and real people. They find it more engaging when they can feel the pain, share a laugh with the person they see on camera.  This builds trust and authenticity of your brand.

3.Videos are almost the only thing that people see on social media today. So testimonial videos can be shared on these platforms and you can reach out to a larger and more targeted audience.

So think about sharing the LOVE through video…

Want more information?  We have so many suggestions for you to use testimonial videos for all your digital media needs.  Contact us to learn more.

Thanks for taking time to read our blog~ Louise and Ellie