Back to normal or playing catch up?

 how’s your goal intention progressing that used probably started either last September or this January? I have worked with many clients this year that were ready to come up with a video project, readt to hop to pursue video until May

Then in May,  I started hearing, ‘ Oh I’m sorry excuses around then of it’s summer kids are out of school vacation graduation blah blah blah “the list goes on …

. Well all of that is over in it’s time to get back on track !!!

Excuses they are what they are giving reasons of why you don’t want to move in that area or put it into work. Well not everyone did this, I have worked with several clients the summer. I also did several speaking engagements and help several clients start building their own video series strategies. We have put in the time but honestly not one of these projects was overwhelming time commitment.

Just like the mountain of laundry we have to conquer, plan a step up, do it, move it to the next step repeat and before you know it a project is done .

I learned this tip from a Facebook motivation group I belong to. We work on exercises that we take action steps to meet our goals. So we are provided worksheets in order to pl an out our key elements we want to have done.. We write out the list of things that we want to achieve in our life personal life but also our work life one of the exercises we do each week is set a timer a few days a week for 25 minutes we call this a task break .

Decide at what point of the day you want to take this break and schedule it first thing in the morning then you when it is time for that appointment set a timer for 25 minutes an focus only on the one task that you feel you want to conquer for that day. It can be anything you want so some of the things I did:

  • I organized closets and sorted through them clean them out.

  • I also worked on my video To Do List that’s the list of videos that I want to make sure that i got done during this time .

  • I read books research topics on line

  • I even grocery shopped

  • sometimes it was exercise or plan those personal calls at that I would forget to make during the morning or the evening .

So you see not everything has to be business related but taking that time I got stuff done !!!

So I hope this gives you some ideas of what you can do in order to conquer those to do lists that you’ve been avoiding especially if you have video on your goals list you know where I am. That’s what I do I help you make the plan and then we put him into executable actions !

I’m sharing this information so if you or somebody you know would like to hire me I am currently available to speak about video at your group meetings I have 3 slots open for best practices coaching an as always i’m looking for my next video project to work on call me and let me know what I can do to help you to start your video project and remember it all things time management and strategy are your friend and so am I !


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