Are You a Turtle Wearing a Rabbit Mask?

Are you walking like a turtle or hopping like a rabbit?

A Turtle of course is a reptile that lives on land and water, that has a shell where they can retreat into when they feel threatened. They are also known to be slow, yet steady walkers.

rabbit with glasses and turtle with hat and glasses

A rabbit is an animal, a woodland creature, that hops to move, they are known for speed and living in holes in the ground.

We all have many things to do but how do you approach them?

Here at Weezy, I have discovered that I have had a split personality between the turtle and a rabbit

You’re probably saying, “Weezy, are you crazy what do you mean by all of this?”

Well this winter I have given much thought to these two animals and how they react to different things in life

This language will be heard and seen more in the videos I make and the written content I share with you.

This week I just want to show you some personality traits

 Turtle versus rabbit
Dart from hole to hole
Exterior shell
Retreat once scared
Moves slow/steady
Just moves forward

Are these statements relatable to you?

 To be honest I am a turtle that wore the rabbit mask for a long period. I literally suffered by trying to be that rabbit.



 fear of missing out

#2- jumping  randomly Into new projects

 #3 – Constantly listening to new ideas and thinking I had to execute them add to execute them immediately

 So what did this gain for me?

With so much frustration, lack of confidence, anxiety, Insecurity

I felt like that scared turtle actually bleeding but yet like a rabbit in the middle of the field shaking and quaking all the time feeling like the complete impostor

 Then I would feel like well if I just had a team of people who could help me if somebody could help me do this and somebody could help me do that instead of taking responsibility for myself, I always had an excuse why I was behind the 8 ball and less than everyone else

I didn’t like being there and I really did sit down with myself and have had that meeting with my core team me, myself, and I .

I talk about this stellar team often.

 Discontinue to always seek for somebody else the responsibility

 1st it hits me I needed to find the information 

2nd I needed to read how to do this stuff for myself.

 So I started but did not do everything at once.

I have taken the following little steps:
  •  improve shooting videos for myself… 
  • To learn editing on my own.
  •  I am learning to write better more cohesive

 And the most important thing I found is when to ask for help but not help for them to take care of projects for me, but ask for help to help me learn how to do some of these items like,

Look at what I can do now
  •  how to do a landing page 
  • how to write better email
  •  how to work on my website so that I could make changes for myself

 You may be saying “Weezy I don’t have time for all of this. I need other people to do this stuff for me. “

Let me explain, tapping into “my Turtle”

How I am learning to take time to slow down. Taking the time to focus. When I do this, there is a sense of self-confidence when you know at least there’s something that you can go in and quickly take care of for yourself might take some time but you don’t have to depend on somebody else and their time plus the education the knowledge that you grow you grow in doing this is gold. It gives you a sense of self-worth edit make sure realize how smart you are that you are a capable person a person annoying what I can do and what I can’t do.

 I didn’t learn all of this at once I just took one little chunk at a time and for the last 2 years, I’ve been working on this so about 98% of the content that you see from me these days is all me the shooting, the writing, the photography, and the website work.

I am left feeling encouraged to step out pick that head out of that shell and stop making excuses? To stop being the victim and start thinking about how; if I want this is how I can take one simple step to move my world ahead.