How to Progress Through Your Goal List by Using Tiny Steps
So are you progressing through your list of Goals? How is that working for you? In this article, I am going to share how I make advancement to my goal list…one tiny step at a time.
Do you believe if you make a list, everything on that list will just happen? It doesn’t just happen for me…if it does for you, please let how it happens for you!!!
Are you making a goal list?
So it’s the end of the quarter hack it’s the end of the year we are moving straight into 2022. For me, it is that time when I decide what goals do I want to achieve in the next year.
Many of us can go ahead and set all the goals we hope for and desire. We can write them down on paper. We can put them out on vision boards, do affirmations, we can speak and do and write all we want. But do we put them into practice?
How To You Put Your Goals and Plans into Practice?
We think it, and poof we achieve all things we set our mind to. Wouldn’t that just be great?
Do you know what makes a difference?
Do you take action?
How do you take action?
These are a few things I’m going to discuss in this article.
What do you do after you make your list?
I know I am the queen of writing things down.
Brain dumps are great, and I have all these ideas in notebooks and on pieces of paper, but then sometimes I forget where I wrote them that I wrote them.
Do you need to write all your ideas down to put them into a perspective? Making the ideas come alive in a clear and concise manner?
Once you have made this goal list, what do you do next?
So, I have been working on the bad habit in the past year is to break free of just writing it down and forgetting it.
I have all these great ideas. Let’s do a brain dump all these things sound so wonderful. Yet, what good are they if we don’t put them into action?
Let Me Share About My Group
Before I tell you what I do, I want to share with you about a group that I am part of.
Each week we meet and we set an appointed task that we need to start on a project or something that we’re working on.
Time to Make Tiny Steps.
We have to announce to the group, what is the next tiny you step we need to take in order to make the action happen
Don’t make a list of everything we need to do.
Instead, we pick one thing and take one little nibble off that project that must be driven forward at this time in order to make something happen to move forward. WE call it Our Next Tiny Step.
we share that action task with our group. Then we take the time to do the following:
- Set a date on the calendar
- add a time we will start working on it.
We log all of this on the calendar then we take a snapshot of it and put it in a group chat Later in the week,we go back to the post and make a comment if we’re done or not done. We answer accordingly each week. [see example in the photo above]
What Approach Works For You?
For me this approach has worked really well because I’m a person who if I’m highly accountable to others if I say I’m going to do something I follow through.
I do it, This is my motivation, my fear is I ” I don’t want to disappoint anybody” I don’t want to have them think poorly of me.
Now say you have like five or six major things you might want to get done in a year. In each one of those major goals, you have a bunch of steps that must be taken to achieve each goal.
Organize Your Thoughts-
Map Out The Plan
So how do you break it down? I want to share how I break it down. Maybe this will work for you maybe it won’t. I find it helpful and takes some of the overwhelm out of the project
Getting started, I get together with my pen and paper, noting each item that needs to be done. Then I take my ideas to the computer and create a spreadsheet like this.
For example: Starting My YouTube Channel.
There are many steps. So, I break down each section that needs to be done to build this channel.
This is all about setting an intention. When you set an intention, you make a commitment to make a change or grow strong in your goal.
So, here is a good synopsis of what I am saying.
Go ahead and start taking these action steps that you’ve written down for each starting with one project and assigning maybe a particular day and time but you know that really works well where you can focus.
It doesn’t have to be all day it could be 10 minutes it could be 45 minutes but each little nibble you take out of that project starts putting you one foot ahead of clearing the task and then each task adds up.
The next thing I know, I’m moving ahead into this project I might achieve my goal and complete the project.
I want to help get you started to go ahead and start writing down different objectives that you want to accomplish in 2022 and then maybe go into Google sheets or Excel and start breaking out your plans.
I hope this inspires you to REALLY Tackle the things you want to accomplish…in 2022…
So go ahead and download this planning sheet Click the GRAB IT NOW button below and start on your brain dump.
I hope you find this information inspiring and helpful to get you started to take action and commit to your plan for the new year!
Need more inspiration? Here is a link to some suggested reading material
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