The Basics of Storytelling: How to Start Your Outline

When it comes to video content, it’s not just about recording moments; it’s about telling a compelling story. Capturing attention is key, and a well-crafted story does just that.

However, telling a great story goes beyond words.

It’s all about how you combine those words with visual elements to create a narrative that resonates.

A woman focused on questions about story writing

So, how do you begin crafting a story that grabs your audience from the start?

By following a simple framework, you can build a strong foundation for any story.

Let’s break it down.

The 5 Essential Elements of a Story:

  1. The Who – Who is your story about? Whether it’s you, your brand, or someone else, defining the main character is crucial. Make this person relatable and authentic.
  2. The Why – What motivates the main character? This is where you give the story its emotional depth. The “why” can drive the action and make the audience care.
  3. The Where – Setting is important. Where does your story take place? Give your audience context to immerse them in the world you’re building.
  4. The What – What is happening in your story? The “what” is the plot, the actions, or the events that make up your story.
  5. The How and When – How does the story unfold, and when does it take place? Is it happening in real-time, or are you reflecting on the past? These details help establish pacing and urgency.

By focusing on these key elements, you’re already setting up the framework for a successful story. Now, how can you expand this framework to connect with your audience truly?

Adding More Depth to Your Story

Once you’ve established the basics, it’s time to build on them with detail, tone, and personality:

  • Detail: The more you can paint a picture with words, the more likely your audience will stay engaged. Include sensory descriptions, emotions, and specifics that help the story come alive.
  • Tone: Is your story lighthearted, serious, or inspiring? Setting the right tone from the beginning helps the audience connect emotionally.
  • Flare: Add your unique flair! Whether it’s humor, authenticity, or a twist in the plot, this is where your personality shines.

Take Your Story to the Next Level

Understanding storytelling’s essential building blocks helps you map out your story effectively.

Once you have the bones in place here is what to do next.

Start by fleshing it out with details that will elevate your narrative.

This really helps it resonate with your audience.

Now that you have the basics, it’s time to put your story into action.

Start using my free Story Writing Mapping Form.

It is designed to help you break down your ideas.

You can craft a powerful and engaging narrative with it.

Ready to Map Out Your Story?
Start with the free Story Writing Mapping Form today.

Take the first step toward creating a compelling video.

This video will leave a lasting impact.

Click here to download and start telling your story with confidence!

Grab it quick this content is only available until Oct 31st.

To learn more about how I can help check out my other services


author of the blog

Story coach, and podcast co-host

Weezy loves to guide others in telling better stories. She also co-hosts the Life Mosaic podcast, where interesting people’s stories are retold.

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