Following All Teaching Advice?

Which advice to use and know when to go with your gut?

woman in white long sleeve holding wooden paint brush. Thoughful look on her face, making desicision
Photo by cottonbro studio on

In this blog, I want to share with you the harm of being overly proactive.

Are you a constant learner? Always chasing the latest trends, must have the latest and best equipment, learning all about how it works? Always listening to podcasts, watching videos, or reading to learn more, more, more!

There comes a time when you need to know when to trust your own instincts. You need to have faith in what you do know and put it into practice because if you don’t you can suffer from FOMO, Imposter Syndrome, or just live in insecurity

Let me share a fictional character, to make a good example of what I am talking about.

Well, it is really a true situation, but I don’t want to use the real names.

The King Didn’t Do as He Taught

Royal King, hand of book sitting on the throne

So I want to tell the story about Dick,  and how he is. He is the ‘ The King ‘of accountability making progress on your goals. His preach is to set your intentions for the projects or goals you want to make and how you can break them down into small steps to achieve.  It’s a great program, and it is the model I use in my business and coaching…

King Dick’s blunder is, he doesn’t follow his own advice, When he’s in these meetings, he’s like an oxymoron. Because every week we were supposed to be focused on what we wanted to accomplish. 

He’s constantly saying shifting our attention.

  • New suggestions for a new authority book
  • A new way of writing
  • How to communicate
  • New podcast to listen to
  • New groups, we might want to check out
  • How to tell your story in email.   

 And he thinks whatever he finds brilliant. It is absolutely the most dazzling, best answer for the rest of the world. Maybe he doesn’t, but the way he speaks, is how my insecurities hear the words and suggestions. 

Don’t fall into these traps

 He’s just putting information out there. But if you’re a person who’s in fear of missing out or highly insecure, they suffer from fear of failure. Then this all makes you feel like . “oh my god, I’m doing it wrong and I need to change how I do everything.

This would ramp up my oh my insecurities. If this is the newest the best the greatest information I don’t want to miss out on it. I’ve got to go run this way well when you change gears every week by listening to every guru that is out there in everybody’s suggestion. Just how much work are we getting done? 

 How can we progress in working on our goals? Because that number one thing we are working on has changed

It’s like “Oh, my mind’s coming over here now where I thought I was solid. My mind has changed once again to the fear of missing out. 

Then it’s like okay, so then we start following the other person’s examples.  And we may have a rhythm and we may have a rhythm that reaches our audiences really well,

 We hear “Be a storyteller”

“Be inclusive,

be this

be that”, “

but the real question is: are we using an authentic voice? 

When we start copying other people’s styles. Are we truly being authentic? Or are we just listening to somebody?  Are we just products of our fear of failure?

We feel uncomfortable all the time

 Because we’re we never get grounded enough and comfortable enough with our own identity. 

Do we truly own our own knowledge that we know inside and out? By passing it, to be what someone else tells us we need to be?

When I decided to change

Does all this “knowledge” we share even matter with our audience? Our audience may not be high flyers. I got caught in that trap for years.

Listening to all the top people. The influencers and trendsetters in everything of my business.  And all of that when I finally broke down at about the age of 57 and said NO MORE! I’m not happy. I have the equipment that these people have told me about. I am in debt. I am frustrated. My sales aren’t that great. These changes that I’m making because I’m following these people. I’m not having great results at all. And I feel highly insecure.  Is the day I stopped.

This is the day that I looked at” the books”,  at my budget.

 I did an audit of my mind budget and my financial budget.

 I had to stop chasing everything. So, when  I did these audits s of my business, I saw where I could still do the exact same thing.  Using the tools that I had in my arsenal. And what I had to let some things go. What could I replace it with for less money? But still the same results maybe even free.

. I’ve changed my way of doing things in a few ways. But I never really have not deviated from my plan.

How my plan includes you

 In the last 3 years, I turned my focus fully to teaching video to encourage you to use your smartphone or webcam. Equipment you have. How to create video from start to finish. Planning to edit.  How to plan for your projects? How to be better on video or whatever you want to do. But just hold down to what you want.  Plan to go a little bit slower. Becoming more confident.

And intensify it to refine it. To be your message that you are comfortable with. And I am very comfortable with my message here at Weezy.

Where is King Dick in the last 3 years, he has changed his website 4 times he is never satisfied with any projects that he’s done, he has started and stopped doing his podcast. That lasted all of 3 months and it was in EVERY discussion. It was like well, you know I have to tweak this and I have to tweak that. Never good enough. Then he would make suggestions like,  I must do that and I’ve read this book and I taught listen to this person on how to do the best podcast.  And he was done within 3 months.  He burnt himself out. He shows no consistency. Many times he just stopped and started doing emails. does no social media, which is fine. The only social media. He does, and where he stays consistent is. He does a Facebook live daily and it has no rhyme nor reason, but for the simple fact to go live and a certain amount of time.. He also talks about how he journals for over 1000 days, but has it really done anything to propel his message for his business forward?

NO, not really. 

He just talks,  he’s probably told us about 10 more books.  And 5 different people whom we needed to look at for business planning,  for writing a better email for storytelling. And it’s like you’re just it all. When does a person get anything done?

So In my humble opinion, it boils down to finding your voice and how you can resonate.

And move forward.

The best thing I did for myself. Was taking the inventory of myself, my business, my message. I stopped listening to every voice out there, which caused me to doubt my abilities. I stopped taking every workshop.

 Thinking about reading the book that is the current buzz.

 Am I wrong in the way that I do my emails?

 Apparently not, because you guys are great . Half of you open my emails every week. I have over a 50% return on my email opens.

I also found myself getting over my fear of missing out . my fear of failure.  and insecurity of whether am I doing it wrong and impostor syndrome.

I had to learn how to do a lot of these things myself. So once I rolled up my sleeves. I learned how to do the Tech for myself. Really learn how to do a website. How to really record and edit my own videos. How to write and tell A story.

Every story has a beginning it has its middle Maybe some action and then close. I had to learn this for myself so that I could grow more confident.

I am not saying this is for everybody. But if you are feeling like impostor syndrome, stop listening to everybody.  Find your voice, find your ways what works for you.

You might look like a muddled mouse for a little bit but keep working it. Keep moving and keep moving that ball. One tiny step at a time. And that is what I talk about in my happy hours. And when I talk about coaching, that is where we start. We start with a plan we move with that plan. And how can we advance it? What do you need to learn? Is there something I can teach you?  So that you feel more confident in your own skin moving forward. I hope you find this inspiring helpful and enriching so that You Don’t get Stuck in a quagmire during The Middle of the coldest months of the year because we Know Winter is a reflective time.  And let this winter be I’m bad. I suck, I’m not getting anywhere too. I’m good. I do know some things and I’m gonna make progress. And this is how I’m gonna make progress. One tiny step at a time.

If you need some help to get more focused on your plan of action, I am here to help. Book some time with me. We can discover your path together.